Damiano Varagnolo

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Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim
Office: Elektro D/B2, D233, Gløshaugen
Phone: +47 481 28 922
Email: damiano.varagnolo@ntnu.no
Skype: damianovar
RTM: damiano.varagnolo+f049ea@rmilk.com (instructions)
Doodle meet-me
orcid: 0000-0002-4310-7938
GPG public key


A. Alhashimi, M. Magnusson, S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, Calibrating range measurements of lidars using fixed landmarks in unknown positions. MDPI Sensors, vol. 21, n. 1, DOI 10.3390/s21010155, 2021

M. Sparta, D. Varagnolo, K. Stråbø, S. A. Halvorsen, E. Herland, H. Martens, Metamodeling of the electrical conditions in Submerged Arc Furnaces. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, DOI 10.1007/s11663-021-02089-7, 2021

K. Chawshin, C. Fredrik Berg, D. Varagnolo, O. Lopez, Lithology classification of whole core CT scans using convolutional neural networks. SN Applied Sciences, vol. 3, 668, DOI 10.1007/s42452-021-04656-8, 2021

K. Chawshin, A. Gonzalez, C. Fredrik Berg, D. Varagnolo, Z. Heidari, O. Lopez, Classifying Lithofacies from Textural Features in Whole-Core CT-scan Images. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering - Formation Evaluation, DOI 10.2118/205354-PA, 2021

K. Chawshin, C. Fredrik Berg, D. Varagnolo, O. Lopez, A Deep Learning Approach for Lithological Classification Using 3D Whole Core CT Scan Images. Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts annual symposium, DOI 10.30632/SPWLA-2021-0029, 2021

S. Chapaloglou, D. Varagnolo, F. Marra, E. Tedeschi, Data dependent concurrent storage sizing and control design for frequency support in isolated power systems. European Control Conference, 2021

R. Jackson, S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, An outline of the story of Girls in Control and its success in motivating girls internationally. IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, 2021 (in press)


R. Lucchese, D. Varagnolo, A. Johansson, Controlled Direct Liquid Cooling of Data Servers. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, DOI 10.1109/TCST.2019.2942270, 2020

M. Lionello, M. Rampazzo, A. Beghi, D. Varagnolo, M. Vesterlund, Graph-based modelling and simulation of liquid immersion cooling systems. Energy, DOI 10.1016/j.energy.2020.118238, vol. 207, 2020

D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, K. Staffas, E. Fjällström, T. Wrigstad, Graph-theoretic approaches and tools for quantitatively assessing curricula coherence. European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI 10.1080/03043797.2019.1710465, 2020

A. Guerra, S. Knorn, K. Staffas, A. Teixeira, D. Varagnolo, Computer-aided curriculum analysis and design: existing challenges and open research directions. Frontiers in Education, 2020

K. Staffas, S. Knorn, A. Guerra, D. Varagnolo, A. Teixeira, Using different taxonomies to formulate learning outcomes to innovate engineering curriculum towards PBL: perspectives from engineering educators. 8th International research symposium on Problem-Based Learning, 2020

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, R. Jackson, D.M. Budgett, J.A. Kruger, P.M.F. Nielsen, Online, data-driven detection of human position during Kegel exercising. IFAC World Congress, 2020

E. Wengle, S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, Coherence in Curricula: A tool to assess, analyze and visualize coherence in higher education curricula. IFAC World Congress, 2020

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, Automatic control: the natural approach for a quantitative-based personalized education. IFAC World Congress, 2020

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, N. Kask, D.M. Budgett, J.A. Kruger, P.M.F. Nielsen, Analysing the effects of biofeedback using control-oriented formalisms: the case of gamified Kegel exercising. European Control Conference 2020


G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Distributed multi-agent Gaussian regression via finite-dimensional approximations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, pp.2098-2111, 41(9), 2019

N. Bof, R. Carli, G. Notarstefano, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Multi-Agent Newton-Raphson Optimizaton Over Lossy Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp.2983-2990, 64(7), 2019

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, M. Dewitte, R. Melles, Data-driven models of pelvic floor muscles dynamics subject to psychological and physiological stimuli. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 8(30), June 2019

S. Chapaloglou, D. Varagnolo, E. Tedeschi, Techno-Economic Evaluation of the Sizing and Operation of Battery Storage for Isolated Oil and Gas Platforms with High Wind Power Penetration. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2019

E. Fjällström, K. Atta, S. Knorn, F. Sandin, G. Sas, K. Staffas, A. Teixeira, D. Varagnolo, Creating a quantitative basis for course and program development in higher education - a report from field tests. Development conference for Sweden's engineering education, 2019

M. Lionello, M. Rampazzo, A. Beghi, D. Varagnolo, M. Vesterlund, Energy-based modelling and simulation of liquid immersion cooling systems. XII International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer, 2019

N. Kask, D.M. Budgett, J.A. Kruger, P.M.F. Nielsen, D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, Data-driven modelling of fatigue in pelvic floor muscles when performing Kegel exercises. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019

A.K. Larsén, Y. Chen, M. Bruschetta, R. Carli, A. Cenedese, D. Varagnolo, L. Felicetti, A computationally efficient model predictive control scheme for space debris rendezvous. 21st IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace, 2019

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, K. Staffas, T. Wrigstad, E. Fjällström, Quantitative analysis of curricula coherence using directed graphs. IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, 2019

E. Fjällström, C. Forsberg F. Trulsson S. Knorn, K. Staffas, D. Varagnolo, T. Wrigstad, Courses-Concepts-Graphs as a Tool to Measure the Importance of Concepts in University Programmes. European Control Conference, 2019

M. Lionello, M. Rampazzo, A. Beghi, D. Varagnolo, M. Vesterlund, Lumped-parameters Control-oriented Gray-box Modelling of Liquid Immersion Cooling Systems. European Control Conference, 2019


D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, E.O. Chiva, R. Melles, M. Dewitte, Data-driven modelling of subjective pain-pleasure assessments as responses to vaginal dilation stimuli. IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol.2 n.3, pp.423-428, 2018

E. Simonazzi, M. R. Galrinho, D. Varagnolo, J. Gustafsson, W. Garcia-Gabin, Detecting and modelling air flow overprovisioning underprovisioning in air-cooled datacenters. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2018

V. Modolo, D. Varagnolo, R. Carli, Distributed formation control using robust asynchronous and broadcast-based optimization schemes. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys) 2018

E. Fjällström, S. Knorn, K. Staffas, D. Varagnolo, Developing Concept Inventory Tests for Electrical Engineering (CITE): extractable information, early results, and learned lessons. UKACC Conference on Control, 2018

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, E.O. Chiva, R. Melles, M. Dewitte, Data-driven modelling of pelvic floor muscles dynamics. IFAC Symposium on biological and medical systems, 2018

D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, R. Melles, M. Dewitte, Towards the individualization of vaginal dilatation exercises: A Quantitative analysis of the variability of vaginal pressure responses. World Meeting of the International Society for Sexual Medicine, 2018

A. Alhashimi, S. Del Favero, D. Varagnolo, T. Gustafsson, G. Pillonetto, Bayesian strategies for calibrating heteroskedastic static sensors with unknown model structures. European Control Conference, 2018


A. Parisio, M. Molinari, D. Varagnolo, K.H. Johansson, Energy Management Systems for Intelligent Buildings in Smart Grids. Intelligent Building Control Systems, Springer, Chapter 10, pp.253-291, 2017

A. Alhashimi, G. Pierobon, D. Varagnolo, T. Gustafsson, Modeling and calibrating triangulation Lidars for indoor applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, v.430, pp.342-366, 2017

A. Alhashimi, D. Varagnolo, T. Gustafsson, Calibrating distance sensors for terrestrial applications without groundtruth information. IEEE Sensors, vol. 12, n. 12, pp. 3698-3709, 2017

G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Statistical bounds for distributed Gaussian regression algorithms based on Karhunen-Loève expansions. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017

A. Ebadat, D. Varagnolo, G. Bottegal, B. Wahlberg, K.H. Johansson, Application-oriented input design for room occupancy estimation algorithms. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017

M. Eriksson, R. Lucchese, J. Gustafsson, A.L. Ljung, A. Mousavi, D. Varagnolo, Monitoring and Modelling Open Compute Servers. Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2017

D. Varagnolo, S. Knorn, R. Melles, M. Dewitte, Qualitative modeling of pressure vs. pain relations in women suffering from dyspareunia. IFAC World Congress, 2017

R. Lucchese, J. Olsson, A.L. Ljung, W. Garcia-Gabin, D. Varagnolo, Energy savings in data centers: A framework for modelling and control of servers’ cooling. IFAC World Congress, 2017

M. Sandberg, M. Risberg, A. L. Ljung, D. Varagnolo, S. Xiong, M. Nilsson, A modelling methodology for assessing use of datacenter waste heat in greenhouses. International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 2017

S. Knorn, D. Varagnolo, R. Melles, M. Dewitte, Mathematical Modelling of Pressure Versus Pain Relations in Women Suffering From Dyspareunia. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 14, no. 5, e335, 2017


A. Alhashimi, D. Varagnolo, T. Gustafsson, Joint Temperature-Lasing Mode Compensation for Time-of-Flight LiDAR Sensors. MDPI Sensors, vol. 15, n. 12, pp. 31205-31223, 2015

A. Ebadat, G. Bottegal, D. Varagnolo, B. Wahlberg, K.H. Johansson, Regularized Deconvolution-based Approaches for Estimating Room Occupancies. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 12, n. 4, pp. 1-12, 2015

R. Lucchese, D. Varagnolo, Average consensus via max consensus. IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2015

A. Ebadat, G. Bottegal, M. Molinari, D. Varagnolo, B. Wahlberg, H. Hjalmarsson, K.H. Johansson, Multi-room occupancy estimation through adaptive gray-box models. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015

R. Carli, G. Notarstefano, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Analysis of Newton-Raphson Consensus for multi-agent convex optimization under asynchronous and lossy communications. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015

R. Lucchese, D. Varagnolo, J.-C. Delvenne, J. Hendrickx, Network cardinality estimation using max consensus: the case of Bernoulli trials. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015

D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, Auto-tuning procedures for distributed nonparametric regression algorithms. European Control Conference, 2015

R. Carli, G. Notarstefano, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Distributed quadratic programming under Asynchronous and Lossy Communications via Newton-Raphson Consensus. European Control Conference, 2015

A. Ebadat, G. Bottegal, D. Varagnolo, B. Wahlberg, H. Hjalmarsson, K.H. Johansson, Blind identification strategies for room occupancy estimation. European Control Conference, 2015

R. Lucchese, D. Varagnolo, Networks cardinality estimation using order statistics. American Control Conference, 2015


D. Varagnolo, S. Del Favero, F. Dinuzzo, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto, Finding Potential Support Vectors in Separable Classification Problems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 24, n. 11, pp. 1799 – 1813, 2013

D. Varagnolo, L. Schenato, G. Pillonetto, A variation of the Newton-Pepys problem and its connections to size-estimation problems. Statistics & Probability Letters, vol. 83, pp. 1472 – 1478, 2013

A. Ebadat, G. Bottegal, D. Varagnolo, B. Wahlberg, K.H. Johansson, Estimation of building occupancy levels through environmental signals deconvolution. ACM Workshop On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings, 2013

A. Parisio, D. Varagnolo, D. Risberg, G. Pattarello, M. Molinari, K.H. Johansson, Randomized Model Predictive Control for HVAC Systems. ACM Workshop On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings, 2013

A. Parisio, M. Molinari, D. Varagnolo, K.H. Johansson, A Scenario-based Predictive Control Approach to Building HVAC Management Systems. IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2013

J. Weimer, D. Varagnolo, K.H. Johansson, Distributed Model-Invariant Detection of Unknown Inputs in Networked Systems. ACM Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems, 2013

H. Terelius, D. Varagnolo, C. Baquero, K.H. Johansson, Fast Distributed Estimation of Probability Mass Functions over Anonymous Networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013

J. Weimer, D. Varagnolo, M. Stankovic, K.H. Johansson, Parameter-Invariant Detection of Unknown Inputs in Networked Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013


S. Bolognani, S. Del Favero, L. Schenato, D. Varagnolo, Consensus-based distributed sensor calibration and least-square parameter identification in WSNs. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 20(2), pp. 176 – 193, 2010

D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, Distributed statistical estimation of the number of nodes in Sensor Networks. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010

E. Bitar, A. Giani, R. Rajagopal, D. Varagnolo, P. Khargonekar, K. Poolla, V. Pravin, Optimal Contracts for Wind Power Producers in Electricity Markets. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2010

D. Varagnolo, G. Pillonetto, L. Schenato, Distributed consensus-based Bayesian estimation: sufficient conditions for performance characterization. American Control Conference, 2010